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Anti-corrosion steel pipe manufacturers teach you how to treat the surface ofanti-corrosion spiral steel pipes

Dec 09, 2024

Anti-corrosion steel pipe manufacturers teach you how to deal with the surface of anti-corrosion spiral steel pipes

The anti-corrosion steel pipe manufacturer teaches you how to deal with the surface of the anti-corrosion spiral steel pipe; after the anti-corrosion spiral steel pipe has mechanical damage on the surface, we need to repair it. In general, what method do we use to repair it? Today, the anti-corrosion steel pipe manufacturer will share a skill with you!

The surface mechanical damage is generally repaired by adding a sleeve. The sleeve is composed of two pieces, and the two longitudinal welds are welded by two strips using the method of Noor welding. The advantage is that there are no welds on the body of the steel pipe. The longitudinal seam is a butt weld with a lining plate, and the pipe body itself becomes the lining plate of the upper and lower sleeves. Either way.

When the scratch does not cause leakage, the two annular fillet welds between the sleeve and the spiral steel pipe body do not need to be welded. If there is leakage, they need to be welded. At this time, the sleeve directly bears the internal pressure caused by the liquid. In this case, the thickness of the sleeve is generally not less than the thickness of the pipe wall.

The method described above is a repair method for mechanical damage found during construction. As for leakage in the operating state (not yet broken), bolts are generally used between the upper and lower sleeves, and there is an annular sealing ring inside the sleeve. Between the spiral steel pipe body and the sleeve, the oil and gas will not leak out, and the longitudinal direction is also sealed.